moon river - morrissey

i was driving around for work last week listening to jonesy's jukebox on 101.3, which if you live in LA, is a fantastic listen. anyways, he starts playing this cover of 'moon river' and it last for nine minutes. first of all, i couldn't believe i was hearing this ambient nine minute song on the radio, and second i couldn't believe how brilliant it was. then jonesy comes back on and never says who sang it. now i know you all might listen to it and think of course it's morrissey, it sounds exactly like him, but hindsight is 20/20 my friend. i searched the internet and found a version done by vincent gallo, john frusciante and pj harvey that i thought was the one, but finally i discovered the real deal. and now i'm passing it on to you through some weird japanese site's link. just click below and enjoy (if you have real player that is)
morrissey - moon river
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