ireland day 6
aaron and i woke up early again on our last day in ireland. my uncle liam was going to pick us up and take us out for lunch, but he had a little fender bender the day before, so he still came over but i had to drive us to lunch. aaron and i thought we were just going into town for some lunch but apparently my uncle had other plans. i started driving waiting for him to give directions and after about 20 minutes on the highway it became clear he was making a day out of this. we wound up driving all around the east coast of ireland, which was great because we had spent the past two days on the west coast.
we finally did stop and eat at a fish and chips shop in ennistymon, after seeing some really cool older villages that aaron and i had wanted to see but didn't on the road to dublin. after lunch we went on to doolin where the world famous cliffs of moher are located. this turned out to be the only touristy thing aaron and i did, so we took a bunch of pictures. the cliffs were really incredible and if you've seen "the princess bride", they were used for establishing shots of the "cliffs of insanity".

aaron was scared to get too close to the edge but i got to take this picture of him at his closest. we both observed that if this was a tourist attraction in america there would be no way that you could walk right up to the edge. there would be some sort of rope or something lame. it's apparently a big suicide spot anyhow.

we spent the whole day driving around with my uncle and made a quick visit to my aunt kathleen that was way too short. finally we picked up liam's wife from her job (she's a cook at the local prison) and went back to his house. aaron got it right when he said it was something out of a ken loach movie. we didn't stay long before heading back to my uncle anthony's. it was almost drinking time.
before that, my cousin shane's daughter emily taught aaron and i how to play rugby. don't be fooled by her size and demeanor, she is a rough, rugby-loving machine.

being our last night, we knew we had to go out with a bang so we went out early. as always we started at shane's and with guiness. we played poker with my cousins ryan and anthony, and rebekah and some other guy i forget his name. amazingly, aaron came away with 4 euros profit.

by the time the game was over it was almost midnight and i had again already had 4 pints of guinness. shane closed up the bar and we headed over to the club icon. basically, night 6 was exactly like night 1 only aaron was there this time. as soon as we got to the club, rebekah dragged me to the dancefloor for a few songs and anthony shoved drinks in my hand faster than i could down them. they insisted we do red bull and vodkas like they were shots, and i was happy to oblige.

notice the two hartigans in the picture seem the most eager to get the drinkin' on. who knows what's going on with aaron here.

i literally did four of those glasses of vodka and red bull in 10 minutes. not a nice mix with the half gallon of guinness. but hey last night in ireland.

this picture sort of summarizes the trip nicely.
after the club, we went back to shane's where i proceeded to pass out around 3am. i was woken up at 5 and brought back to the house where i fell right to sleep. we woke up 1 hour later to go to the airport. i was still drunk. the proof is i could have sworn our flight left at 740 so we got there at 7 and found out the flight didn't leave till 11. i fell asleep on an airport bench like a bum. i wouldn't have it any other way though and the whole trip was amazing.
we finally did stop and eat at a fish and chips shop in ennistymon, after seeing some really cool older villages that aaron and i had wanted to see but didn't on the road to dublin. after lunch we went on to doolin where the world famous cliffs of moher are located. this turned out to be the only touristy thing aaron and i did, so we took a bunch of pictures. the cliffs were really incredible and if you've seen "the princess bride", they were used for establishing shots of the "cliffs of insanity".

aaron was scared to get too close to the edge but i got to take this picture of him at his closest. we both observed that if this was a tourist attraction in america there would be no way that you could walk right up to the edge. there would be some sort of rope or something lame. it's apparently a big suicide spot anyhow.

we spent the whole day driving around with my uncle and made a quick visit to my aunt kathleen that was way too short. finally we picked up liam's wife from her job (she's a cook at the local prison) and went back to his house. aaron got it right when he said it was something out of a ken loach movie. we didn't stay long before heading back to my uncle anthony's. it was almost drinking time.
before that, my cousin shane's daughter emily taught aaron and i how to play rugby. don't be fooled by her size and demeanor, she is a rough, rugby-loving machine.

being our last night, we knew we had to go out with a bang so we went out early. as always we started at shane's and with guiness. we played poker with my cousins ryan and anthony, and rebekah and some other guy i forget his name. amazingly, aaron came away with 4 euros profit.

by the time the game was over it was almost midnight and i had again already had 4 pints of guinness. shane closed up the bar and we headed over to the club icon. basically, night 6 was exactly like night 1 only aaron was there this time. as soon as we got to the club, rebekah dragged me to the dancefloor for a few songs and anthony shoved drinks in my hand faster than i could down them. they insisted we do red bull and vodkas like they were shots, and i was happy to oblige.

notice the two hartigans in the picture seem the most eager to get the drinkin' on. who knows what's going on with aaron here.

i literally did four of those glasses of vodka and red bull in 10 minutes. not a nice mix with the half gallon of guinness. but hey last night in ireland.

this picture sort of summarizes the trip nicely.
after the club, we went back to shane's where i proceeded to pass out around 3am. i was woken up at 5 and brought back to the house where i fell right to sleep. we woke up 1 hour later to go to the airport. i was still drunk. the proof is i could have sworn our flight left at 740 so we got there at 7 and found out the flight didn't leave till 11. i fell asleep on an airport bench like a bum. i wouldn't have it any other way though and the whole trip was amazing.
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