box office derby

way back on september 2, 2004, my old roommates and i began playing a game we liked to call box office derby. simply enough, each of us had to predict what we thought the top 10 movies at the box office would be for the weekend, along with how much money each would gross. the deadline to submit was each friday and the results were released on monday. whoever was off by the lowest amount wins the weekend.
the first weekend was a doozy, with four new releases hitting screens (paparazzi, wicker park, the cookout and vanity fair) and i was the eventual winner coming up with a total of 16 million off (or an average of 1.6 million per movie). we've been playing ever since in private, but now the forum is changing and the stakes are being raised. we are moving the weekly contest to the blog here and letting the public spectate.
every friday, i will post everybody's predicted top 10 and every monday i will post the results. feel free to laugh at who places last and post condescending comments like "of course blankety blank was going to make x amount. how could you guys have been so stupid!" and if it catches on, we will start accepting new players to the game.
so, we probably couldn't have picked a better weekend to start on the blog. two supposed heavy hitters opening up and either one could be huge or tank. this one could be a bloodbath. let's meet the players.
1. XXX: State of the Union 41.6
2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 28.7
3. The Interpreter 13.5
4. The Amityville Horror 7.0
5. Sahara 5.4
6. A Lot Like Love 4.8
7. Kung Fu Hustle 4.3
8. Fever Pitch 3.6
9. Robots 2.3
10. Guess Who 2.2

brendan mcfadden- brendan brings up the rear. in fact, he has been dead last since week 1, occasionally breathing down katz's neck, but he has yet to climb above him in the averages. he has won 7 times so far.
1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 38.9
2. XXX: State of the Union 30.7
3. The Interpreter 14.7
4. The Amityville Horror 7.9
5. Sahara 5.7
6. Kung Fu Hustle 4.9
7. A Lot Like Love 4.7
8. Fever Pitch 3.1
9. Robots 2.3
10. Guess Who 2.0

chad hartigan- me. the curator. currently leading the pack on averages and known for all around handsome predicting. i've won 9 times.
1. XXX: State of the Union 32.1
2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 24.7
3. The Interpreter 15.5
4. The Amityville Horror 6.2
5. Sahara 5.2
6. Kung Fu Hustle 4.1
7. A Lot Like Love 4.0
8. Fever Pitch 3.3
9. Guess Who 2.3
10. Robots 2.2

marc ripper- accused by katz of playing dirty (with no apparent reason), marc is 2nd on averages but has won the most weeks with 10. he is a consistant player, with his eyes on the top spot.
1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 27.4
2. XXX: State of the Union 24.7
3. The Interpreter 14.5
4. The Amityville Horror 7.9
5. Sahara 5.8
6. A Lot Like Love 4.5
7. Kung Fu Hustle 4.3
8. Fever Pitch 3.4
9. Robots 2.4
10. Sin City 2.0
so go ahead and place your bets. find your pick and root for him. then be sure to check back monday and see how brings home the prize.
If the prize is "7 minutes of heaven" with Ripper, I'm in. I'm gonna have to go with Ripper on this as well, I think there's a lot of talk about this weekend being the one to bounce our box office figures back on track, but I think that's hype. Both Hitch and XXX aren't getting stellar feedback and while we can't underestimate how bad people want to see Ice Cube, I think Marc's conservative figures will bring him through. 40 million, Katz, come on!
My money's on Chad.
chad, stop posting comments posing as someone else.
Are these the hottest pictures you could find?
-Andy Lane
brendan here. id just like to point out i was in third place for a week, perhaps even two.
indeed, on february 7th brendan did pass aaron to spend one week in 3rd place. but, his tenure was all too brief. one week later, he was back in last.
ouch! hitchhiker's looks to do 23-27 and xxx2 looks to do 12-14. damn cube, that's gotta hurt.
This is a disaster. I blame my awful picture for my bad luck.
Hide behind your shitty predictions all you want, Katz, there is no parallel universe that who see an Ice Cube movie doing 40 million opening week. Turns out Ol' Smoke Dogg was right about the B.O. bouncing back. This weekend shall be no different, Kingdom of Heaven can't reign it in. The B.O. will stay stagnant until, as Eminem said, "someone comes along on a mission and yells 'bitch'." Truthfully, I don't know what that means, the lyric just popped in my head. Here's Smokey's prediction: The B.O. slumps until War o' the Worlds. That said, whose jazzed for some popcorn munching fun this summer????
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