summer movie preview 2005
so i usually like to put together a list of my 10 most anticipated movies of the summer and now that i have this blog i got extra excited to do it. doing it though was a pain, as i realized there are hardly 10 movies i want to see this summer at all. i used to want to see everything in the summer. have the movies gotten much worse or my taste much snobbier? probably both. anyway, some of these are flying in on the talent involved alone. i have only seen previews for 2 of them and so my opinions are mainly based on what the people involved have done in the past. so here we go. my 10 most anticipated movies of summer 2005.
10. LAYER CAKE (May 13)

directed by matthew vaughn
this appears like it could be a good british crime caper. and it got matthew vaughn a job directing x3 so he must have done some things right.
9. THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN (Aug 19 )

directed by judd apatow
this movie may be terrible. in fact, most likely it will be. but if it's anything like "anchorman" it will be hilarious and worthy of it's spot here. what it has going for it are steve carrell (the funniest part of "anchorman") and director judd apatow of "freaks and geeks" fame.

directed by christopher nolan
this movie has an amazing cast and a more than competant director and is working with a story already proven to be big screen worthy. so the reason it's so low on the list is that i saw the trailer and it sucked. reminded me of "star wars: the phantom menace" more than anything and that ain't good. the look, the delivery of lines, etc. all seem underwhelming. i'm still hopeful though. what the hell is going on in this picture anyway? is neeson on fire? i imagine him lighting a cigarette mid-conversation and accidentally setting his clothes on fire, wailing around for a while, finally stop-drop-and-rolling and then getting back up to face bale and saying "where were we?"
7. THE ISLAND (Jul 22)

directed by michael bay
michael bay gets a bad rap and for good reason. his movies almost always suck. but, they are still kind of fun. i don't know anything about this movie other than the picture above.

directed by gregg araki
i'm pretty sure this movie won't be good, but there is a chance i might be in it, so i will definitely see it. look for me as the date in the movie within the movie "blood prom 2"
5. CRASH (May 6)

directed by paul haggis
a couple people i know have seen this already and say it's really good. plus it's got ludacris, so i'm in.
4. 2046 (Aug 5)

directed by wong kar wai
i like what little wong kar wai movies i've seen and this one had great buzz from cannes, so i'll see it.
3. LAST DAYS (Jul 22)

directed by gus van sant
i couldn't love van sant's double whammy of "elephant" and "gerry" more and it immediately raised him to the ranks of one of my favorite current directors. i'm not too interested in a kurt cobain-ish story, but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt here.

directed by jim jarmusch
i'm new to the jim jarmusch fan club but this teaming with bill murray seems like a fantastic pairing.

directed by steven spielberg
the only movie i truly can't wait to see. i hope it fills me with as much glee as "jurassic park" did when i saw it in the theaters 12 years ago.
you'll probably notice the omission of star wars, charlie and the chocolate factory and lots of other "big" movies that don't look appealing at all. charlie and the chocolate factory maybe, in the way you're interested in seeing a train wreck. this list has made me more depressed than anything. luckily there is an amazing fall headed our way that i am more excited to write a preview about than i am to see most of the movies listed above.
10. LAYER CAKE (May 13)

directed by matthew vaughn
this appears like it could be a good british crime caper. and it got matthew vaughn a job directing x3 so he must have done some things right.
9. THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN (Aug 19 )

directed by judd apatow
this movie may be terrible. in fact, most likely it will be. but if it's anything like "anchorman" it will be hilarious and worthy of it's spot here. what it has going for it are steve carrell (the funniest part of "anchorman") and director judd apatow of "freaks and geeks" fame.

directed by christopher nolan
this movie has an amazing cast and a more than competant director and is working with a story already proven to be big screen worthy. so the reason it's so low on the list is that i saw the trailer and it sucked. reminded me of "star wars: the phantom menace" more than anything and that ain't good. the look, the delivery of lines, etc. all seem underwhelming. i'm still hopeful though. what the hell is going on in this picture anyway? is neeson on fire? i imagine him lighting a cigarette mid-conversation and accidentally setting his clothes on fire, wailing around for a while, finally stop-drop-and-rolling and then getting back up to face bale and saying "where were we?"
7. THE ISLAND (Jul 22)

directed by michael bay
michael bay gets a bad rap and for good reason. his movies almost always suck. but, they are still kind of fun. i don't know anything about this movie other than the picture above.

directed by gregg araki
i'm pretty sure this movie won't be good, but there is a chance i might be in it, so i will definitely see it. look for me as the date in the movie within the movie "blood prom 2"
5. CRASH (May 6)

directed by paul haggis
a couple people i know have seen this already and say it's really good. plus it's got ludacris, so i'm in.
4. 2046 (Aug 5)

directed by wong kar wai
i like what little wong kar wai movies i've seen and this one had great buzz from cannes, so i'll see it.
3. LAST DAYS (Jul 22)

directed by gus van sant
i couldn't love van sant's double whammy of "elephant" and "gerry" more and it immediately raised him to the ranks of one of my favorite current directors. i'm not too interested in a kurt cobain-ish story, but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt here.

directed by jim jarmusch
i'm new to the jim jarmusch fan club but this teaming with bill murray seems like a fantastic pairing.

directed by steven spielberg
the only movie i truly can't wait to see. i hope it fills me with as much glee as "jurassic park" did when i saw it in the theaters 12 years ago.
you'll probably notice the omission of star wars, charlie and the chocolate factory and lots of other "big" movies that don't look appealing at all. charlie and the chocolate factory maybe, in the way you're interested in seeing a train wreck. this list has made me more depressed than anything. luckily there is an amazing fall headed our way that i am more excited to write a preview about than i am to see most of the movies listed above.
So, Jarmusch is a joke, and if Bill Murray can pull this movie into anything less than a total crap heap, I'll make him a saint.
I'm worried. Gerry was mind blowing, Elephant was like Gerry for stupid people. Sometimes I fear that Van Sant does better with open-ended, less personal issues, than he does trying to identify himself and his style to the northwest.
I mean shit, just look at that picture you've got there. It's gonna be the best film far and away.
Looks like Magnolia mixed with Boys In Da Hood. Or wait, I could do a whole list, um... Juice meets Short Cuts, Training Day meets Nashville or um just think of some ghetto flick with heart and mix it with some flashy ensemble piece there ya go
Bust city gotta be
aaron and marc are the epitomy of blogging cowards. when they do post, they do it anonymously. me and you put our balls out on the line and we're the better men for it. but what's up with your jarmusch hatred?
Might I just my two cents:
1. Why the hell is that guy taking a picture when the world is at war as is clearly shown in the photo of 'War of the Worlds'? Shouldn't he be running? Silly second unit directors.
2. You're tastes have gotten snobbier. I need to direct you no further than your list.
3. I spat out Coca-Cola Classic all over my monitor upon my own punim for the photo of 40 Year Old Virgin. Classic. I guess it's back to candy cane lovin' for me.
Your blog reminds me of when I used to work very hard from 8 to 6 everyday and dated the girl from the office next door. I don't even know why, but it does. (Yeah, I am kinda crazy hehe)
Anyways, I should get back to working on my download free dvd movies site, just letting you know that someone from Guatemala read your site. Good luck with it.
Chad Hartigan :) nice name. I don't get to hear that name that often here in Guatemala ;), (everyone speaks spanish). I working on my english right now, I have even started a free download movies site in pure english, which is a first for me.
Anyways, just letting you know that someone from other parts of the world read your site.
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