good news for people who like good news

hidden in the news today were two news stories that actually bring good news into the world and are worth noting. you have to look past all the articles on a new american hostage in iraq, tensions growing between japan and china, and soaring gas prices, but they are there.
the first one has to do with nike. long accused of running sweatshops in third world countries to produce their shoes, they always refused to reveal their information. companies are not required to reveal where their factories are and how many workers they have, etc. and the chief reason given for the secrecy is so that rival brands can't steal their ideas for upcoming shoes. but today, nike issued a 108 page statement revealing everything about their company. among other countries it lists 124 plants in china, 73 in thailand, 35 in south korea, 34 in vietnam and others in south america, the middle east and africa. the report also admitted to physical and verbal "abusive treatment", said that up to 50% of asian plants restrict access to toilets and drinking water to employees. wages were below minimum, hours were well into overtime, and you get the drift. the report is written in a "shocked" and "surprised" manner, stating that the publishing of it is the first step to rectifying these situations, which is in all regards a small fucking step. but the fact is, now outside sources can audit these premises and rival companies will be pressured to take the step.
the report is on nike's official site and if you like 108 page corporate evaluations then check it out.
the second bit of news is about airplane safety. for those who may remember in "fahrenheit 9/11", after september 11, airplane security became priority number one and nothing even remotely close to resembling a hint of a shadow of a speck of danger was allowed on a plane. except matches and a lighter. pressure from the big tobacco companies ensured that smokers would be able to light up immediately after landing and we were all a little "safer". well the transportation security administration has finally decided that lighters will be prohibited on any aircraft. 3 and a half years later! but, speaking of small fucking steps, you can still bring 4(!) packs of matches with you on your carry on. i don't get it. maybe you can make more sense of the news.
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