michael a. smith - douchebag or genius?

this guy, a kansas city resident and vietnam veteran, heard jane fonda was doing a local book signing. so, he buys a book, waits in a line of 900, hands over the book for her to sign, then promptly spits tobacco juice in her face. then he runs away. he was caught right away and arrested. there's a link to the full story below. it's pretty hilarious. my favorite part being this
"He said he normally does not chew tobacco but did so Tuesday solely to spit juice on the actress."
read all about it here
Jane Fonda is one tough mother. two days after the KC juice, on Real Time, Bill Maher pasted her with an asshole question about her three husbands. She deftly deflected it right back onto the host. Oddly, not one word was mentioned about what had happened in KC? during that interview.
indeed. i get the feeling jane fonda could beat me at both a heated political debate and a spitting contest.
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