roman candle

i was going to save this entry for later when people other than people i already know might look at the blog, but i couldn't wait. if, by some strange chance, you don't know me or this band roman candle already, you are in for a treat. they are from chapel hill, north carolina and they have been on the verge of breaking the mainstream for a long time. in 2002, their debut record was released independently and mtv snatched up the rights to use their songs in the real world and road rules, which they did occasionally. but the label was too small to promote and tour them sufficiently so they signed to hollywood records in 2003. they re-recorded their album, but due to a number of logistical problems and personal triumphs and tragedies, the record was oft delayed. it still remains unreleased but if the word spreads enough, it will soon see the light of day. they played the south by southwest festival in austin last month and a number of websites put up samples of all the bands playing. so, below i've posted the link to download the roman candle track "something left to say". i honestly believe that these guys are amazing and destined for great things and i hope you agree.
check out
roman candle - something left to say
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