who are you at 444?
so the guys over at 444 hawthorne have a new quiz up for the public. if you don't know, 444 hawthorne is a legendary party house at the north carolina school of the arts. the guys living there have revolutionized both the way parties are thrown and the way a party house can turn into an entity via the good ol' interweb. their website has a lot of good fun on it. currently, they have a new quiz which allows you to find out which 444 resident you are. i took the quiz and apparently i'm tyler which may be fitting or a sick twist of ironic fate, since most of my interaction with tyler has been a vicious back and forth of intimidating boasts and threats. but what am i gonna do? the test is infallable. see for yourself.

Who are you at 444?
brought to you by Quizilla

Who are you at 444?
brought to you by Quizilla
Looks like I'm Nate. Not sure what to make of that exactly.
~ Marc
Im Ryan.
does that make katz brett by default?
nope, katz is ryan too. But what does any of it mean, really?
I'm a Ryan.
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