ireland on a whim

so occasionally when i get bored at work i surf the net. after a while, i run out of movie and friendster related websites to visit, so i start going outside my normal daily traffic sites. one can only read the dumpster so many times anyway. so yesterday i'm surfing around and i decide to check out airfares. i've done this a couple times before in a pipe dream kind of way. i'll usually look up fares to australia, cyprus and ireland since those are the places i want to go to the most. well, on this particular visit i found a fantastic looking deal on fares from lax to ireland. $440 round trip. i've paid close to that for a one way ticket from los angeles to norfolk, virginia. so the wheels in my head started to turn. my job is ending this week. i have $440. i may not have it for long though since i don't have a job lined up, but damnit i've got it now. the flight leaves in 6 days. should i do it?
i called my mom. i called my dad. mom said i'm only young once. dad says the relatives would be glad to have me, which means free housing, meals and transportation. it was only me and the "purchase" button. should i do it? it was so easy for me to say to myself "no, you shouldn't. you don't have enough money saved up to last without a job very long. you should keep it for the rainy day". oops, pushed the "purchase" button. i'm going to ireland. in six days.
after pressing the button i couldn't have felt better. best decision i ever made at this point. but currently i was going alone. i have cousins my age there so i could hang with them, but the experience is definitely better with a friend. i looked at the other discounts and it turned out that you could fly from new york to ireland for $340. incredible. i called aaron katz and told him. katz also doesn't have a job and he has $340. but should he spend it? he's kind of liking the no job, no responsibility lifestyle and he wants to milk it for as long as he can. but the pitch can't be ignored. he's never been out of the country and to visit ireland with me and stay with the hartigan clan couldn't be resisted. by the end of the night he was in.
so, we're going to ireland on tuesday. me from LA, him from NY. brendan is frantically trying to get a passport so he can come too. anyone else interested? drop work, school, whatever you're doing and let's just go! it's gonna be the best. stay tuned to the blog for more details. i gotta start packing.

the guinness factory. a must stop.
Two things:
First, I hate you I hate you I hate you. If I didn't have a damn job--I just--I mean, COME ON! You suck Hartigan and the next time you feel whimsy get in touch with me, you know how much I love Ireland, you know how blissful a week in the Olde Sod souds. And yet, the shackles of work chain me Los Angeles. Next time, buddy. next time.
Second, the Guinness brewery at st. charles gate in dublin is a helluva place to visit. I recommend forking over the euros for the tour and bring a camera. Also, if you can, snag me a pint glass from the free pint at the skybar. I stole two last time only to misplace them travelling from Dublin to Kilarney. Regardless, go there, get drunk, its only about a three-four hour journey.
Sigh, now the depression sets in.
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