Thursday, May 19, 2005

job wars

so brendan and i are both competing for the same job. we both received an e-mail from tony shaff yesterday saying there was a position open for a commercial director's assistant. brendan applied first and received a phone call almost immediately asking to come in for an interview that day. then i applied and also received a phone call setting up an interview for later that day.

the job basically consists of finding visual references for this director on the internet and helping him find whatever other shit he might need as well. it's low paying, but in a really cool place with a lot of cool people. i am silly broke and he is heading in that direction. so a little friendly competition has arisen (at least i view it as friendly. brendan might be genuinely mad at me if i get it). last night we both got calls saying it was down to us and one other girl. all three of us would be given the chance to do the job for a day or two individually and then the director would decide who stays on full time. it's quite the set up for hijinks, as brendan and i will be trying to tarnish the other's name while crawling our way into the good books.

really though, if this girl is attractive at all, neither of us probably have a shot. stay tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope none of the rising second years at NCSA read the blog. If they do, this entry is destined to be turned into a 10 minute.

1:51 PM  

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