Friday, May 13, 2005

box office derby

so aaron and i rented a car and we are taking a road trip up to dublin tomorrow. it's stick shift and i'm still getting used to shifting with my left hand and driving on the left side of the road. some hijinks are naturally going to ensue. anyway, before we go to the pub tonight, here are the predictions.

brendan didn't do his, which makes me so irate that i am finally implementing the penalty system i outlined a while ago.

no pictures either since the internet connection is slow. bare bones box office

aaron katz

1. kicking & screaming 26.1
2. monster-in-law 15.4
3. kingdom of heaven 10.9
4. unleashed 9.8
5. house of wax 6.3
6. crash 5.6
7. the hitchhiker's guide 5.1
8. the interpreter 4.3
9. mindhunters 4.1
10. xxx: state of the union 2.8

chad hartigan

1. kicking & screaming 18.1
2. monster-in-law 16.4
3. kingdom of heaven 12.8
4. unleashed 8.3
5. house of wax 5.7
6. crash 5.6
7. the hitchhiker's guide 5.4
8. the interpreter 4.7
9. mindhunters 2.5
10. xxx: state of the union 2.2

marc ripper

1. kicking & screaming 24.0
2. monster-in-law 16.4
3. kingdom of heaven 10.2
4. unleashed 9.1
5. house of wax 6.3
6. crash 6.1
7. the hitchhiker's guide 5.0
8. the interpreter 4.5
9. mindhunters 4.0
10. xxx: state of the union 2.3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there was any justice in the world I would always win. You will all get your just desserts. Slow and steady wins the race. I know Marc is cheating somehow.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow is all I can say. Turns out our mysognistic thinking got the better of us as boyfriends everywhere were dragged kicking and screaming (get the reference) to see Monster-in-Law. I gotta admit, I didn't think one movie would top 20 million, let alone two. I unofficially went with Chad this week, not Marc, as I thought Chad's conservative predictions would do him well. I'll hold all other comments until after the votes have been tallied...

Also, Chad, any word on your relatives and the donkeyman? I also found out the name of the town Chaplin vacationed at all the time: Waterville. Check it out.

12:59 PM  

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